June C. Fan, Esq.

Gift of Love Legal PLLC

Serving clients in English and Chinese (Mandarin)

June C. Fan, Esq. 

Gift of Love Legal PLLC

Serving clients in English and Chinese (Mandarin)

The legacy and estate planning you and your loved ones deserve.

Do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt what would happen legally and financially to you, your loved ones, your money and everything else you care about if something unexpected happened to you?

Why do you need estate planning?

Don't Leave a Mess

Will or Trust or ? What do you really need to keep your loved ones out of court and out of conflict when something happens to you? We'll look at your family dynamics, and your assets, to ensure you understand what the state’s plan is for you, and then help you create a plan that is the right plan for you, at the right budget, to achieve your desired outcomes for yourself and the people you love.

Protect Who Matters

Don’t fail your loved ones. Even if you've created a plan already, it may not work when your loved ones need it. Estate plans, even with the very best documents fail when they are not updated and when your assets are not owned in the right way. Your loved ones deserve more.

Have Financial Peace of Mind

It doesn’t matter how much money you have. Estate planning is simply about attending to the inevitable, and bravely facing the end, in service to the best possible legal and financial choices throughout life. Our heart-centered counseling process ensures you make the right choices for yourself and the people you love.

June C. Fan

Gift of Love Legal PLLC

1300 L Street NW, Suite 975

Washington, DC 20005


Serving Clients Throughout Washington DC and Maryland

About June C. Fan

Hi, I'm June C. Fan, Founder and Owner of Gift of Love Legal PLLC.  At Gift of Love Legal, we serve you with a heart-based methodology that gives you clarity and peace of mind toward a life worth living and a legacy worth leaving.

We’ll look at your family dynamics, inventory your assets (and even possibly help you see you have more than you think you do), and then consider the state’s plan for you and the people you love, based on your unique situation.

By facing death in this way, and getting clear on your legal and financial reality, you are able to make life and death choices with a clarity that may have eluded you in the past.

We don't just help you choose between a Will or trust (though we do that too), but we also empower you to take control of your life, clarify your aspirations, and leave a lasting impact that aligns with your values and goals.

Most importantly, you will have the assurance of knowing your loved ones won’t be left with a mess, and that they will be able to make aligned decisions for you, when needed.

I’m here to be your trusted advisor who helps you make the very best personal, financial, and legal decisions for your loved ones throughout your lifetime. 

I will guide you now, and then be there for your loved ones when you can’t be, supporting them during a time that could be the most impactful of their lives.

In short, my sole focus is to help people stay out of court and conflict in the event of the  death or disability of a loved one, and create lives worth living and legacies worth leaving. 

We'd love to start helping you plan for  the people you love and everything else you care about today. 

I look forward to meeting you!

There’s no better time than today.

We’ll make it easy and affordable to do the right thing for yourself, and the people you love. Our processes and systems are all designed to educate you, help you choose the right legal and financial strategies, and then execute on those strategies, especially when you are really busy and life is full.

Gift of Love Legal PLLC

1300 L Street NW, Suite 975

Washington, DC 20005


Serving Clients Throughout Washington DC and Maryland

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